Figurals / Whimsies
Personalized jigsaw puzzle pieces / Custom puzzle pieces
(Also known as a whimsies / figure shaped piece) The answer is quite simple... a Figural is a single jigsaw puzzle piece or a small group of jigsaw puzzle pieces within a full jigsaw puzzle that resembles an object of some kind, in the form of a silhouette. Some of the more common shapes used are those of dogs, cats, flowers, birds, tools, cars, other animals... the list is seemingly endless! When a person commissions a custom cut wooden jigsaw puzzle to be made, one of the primary reasons they do this is because the puzzle maker is custom cutting the puzzle just for them. As part of the design feature of the puzzle, carefully selected Figurals play an important part of the personalizing process. Whether the person is buying the puzzle for them self, or as a special gift to a family member or friend, the figure pieces are chosen so that they reflect the interests of the future owner. |
For my smart phone & |
For just about any person's profession, personality or hobbies there are numerous figure shapes that will capture the essence of who that person is. Selecting them is not always simple. A well crafted puzzle will have serious thought put into the appropriate selection of these pieces. Ideally, the image that is being use for the puzzle should come into the equation. If there is an ocean, pond or lake in the puzzle, Figurals like whales, dolphins, fish, boats, fish hooks, crabs, lobsters, octopus and other creatures of water are ideal figure pieces to be cut into these areas of the image. In cases of sky, things like birds in flight, airplanes, and kites make great figure pieces. Scenarios like these are endless, with endless variations of Figurals. Figurals do not always have to be objects... they can also be Names and Dates. Names are commonly used, however dates tend to be cut into puzzles that are birthday, anniversary and retirement gifts, to mark a moment in time that is significant to the puzzle recipient. |
for dimension perspective. |
In most cases the answer is YES. As I mentioned above, birds fly in the sky, fish swim in the water etc. It would be odd to see a fish cut into an image where it is located on the roof of a house, or in a tree. In the puzzle example to the left, my customer and I were creative in the choice and placement of this puzzle's figure pieces. If you click on the image to the left, a more detailed scan can be seen, showing all of the following. (Look closely... I did not make a huge 2nd image because it would have taken for ever for you to load.) 007 -
Located in James Bond's forehead, representing his agent code
name. |
With all of my puzzles cut in the traditional and nightmare styles, I complimentarily include 2 figural pieces per 100 pieces of puzzle, if indicated on my order form, FREE of charge. You can order as many as 10 figurals per 100 pieces of puzzle, but due to the fact that planning, cutting and in some cases custom designing the pieces is very time consuming, I charge a fee for any additional pieces beyond the 2:100 ratio. This fee is $10.00 per each additional personalized puzzle piece In the time it takes me to design, plan and cut 1 personalized piece, I can cut from 10 to 15 regular puzzle pieces. This is a pretty significant observation which makes these special pieces even more precious. Names and dates which involve letters and
numbers are calculated as... Examples: With Objects, here is how they work A Cat = 1 Firgural piece |
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All Rights Reserved. Now in our 24th Year of Making Custom Jigsaw Puzzles E-MAIL Mark